Research meeting; Pensions & inflation

On Tuesday December 6th, 2022 the Netspar research meeting on the theme of “Pensions & inflation” will be held. Netspar fellow Peter Schotman (Maastricht University) will present his latest project “Managing inflation risk in the New Dutch Pension Contract”. The second speakers are Netspar fellows Michel Vellekoop (University of Amsterdam) and Antoon Pelsser (Maastricht University). They will give a presentation on how the 2022 Dutch “Commissie Parameters” proposes to model inflation and inflation risk. The Commissie Parameters is an influential governmental advisory committee that suggests guidelines for pension funds for, e.g., communication pension benefits and risks..

This edition of the research meeting is special in the sense that the presentations are more applied than is usually the case. I expect this meeting will be of special interest to academics as well as pension professionals because of its highly topical nature and because the topic highlights how academic research meets practical relevance.

Netspar research meetings are aimed solely at academic researchers affiliated with Netspar and are intended as a platform to present and discuss recent research on a topic related to the broad area of aging, pensions, and retirement. These meetings also facilitate discussions of future research topics and potential collaborations. The meetings also regularly include informative contributions on current policy topics. Suggestions on topics for future meetings are most welcome.

Locatie: Tilburg University Seminar Room K834 Warandelan 2 5037 AB Tilburg

Netspar, Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, is een denktank en kennisnetwerk. Netspar is gericht op een goed geïnformeerd pensioendebat.


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