Netspar facilitates academic research into the socio-economic consequences of aging and the financing of old age. There are various possibilities for funding research. We are open to proposals from different scientific fields, such as economics, sociology, psychology, law and communication.

Do you have an idea research subject or proposal? Please contact our policy advisor Silvie van Halder via 013 – 466 37 93 or via email.

How we work

Together with the Netspar partners, we establish a four-year research agenda. Netspar offers calls for short-term or long-term projects at various times during the year.

The multidisciplinary research is coordinated in five programs. There are three program coordinators who act as a point of contact and sounding board for the project leaders.

Programs and coordinators

“For fifteen years, Netspar has been successful in combining research and practice. This is very special. As a researcher, it has added value that my research is viewed as relevant and is directly applicable in the pension industry.”
Marike Knoef (UL)
Last modified December 9, 2019.

Netspar, Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, is a thinktank and knowledge network. Netspar is dedicated to promoting a wider understanding of the economic and social implications of pensions, aging and retirement in the Netherlands and Europe.


Mission en strategy           •           Network           •           Organisation           •          Magazine
Board Brief            •            Actionplan 2023-2027           •           Researchagenda


Our partners

B20160708_tilburg university
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