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Corien Wortmann Appointed Chairperson of the Netspar Supervisory Board

The Foundation Board of Netspar has appointed Corien Wortmann-Kool Chairperson of the Supervisory Board of Netspar. The other members of the Supervisory Board are Inge van den Doel, Guusje Dolsma, Laura van Geest, Lex Meijdam, Annette Mosman, Willem Noordman, and Bianca Tetteroo. Wortmann was Chair of the Board of Stichting Pensioenfunds ABP, the Dutch public sector collective pension fund, through December 2022. She currently…

“Jorgo, we need your thinking on this”

Jorgo Goossens was awarded his PhD in a ceremony held Friday, February 17th. It was, of course, a very special day. In this interview, he reflects on how it all started, his research findings, the impact of the pandemic, and his plans for the future. Take us back to the beginning. What was the impetus four years ago when you decided: I’m going to…

Shared equity mortgages as boost for mobilising home equity

“Pension funds hold the key to increased household liquidity and reduced housing market risks” About 1,200 billion euros are tied up in home equity on the Dutch housing market. Although that wealth is at risk if house prices fall, these assets can nevertheless be mobilised for other purposes. At the moment, home equity is scarcely used. This paper investigates how the introduction of shared…

Lisa Brüggen as of March 1, 2023 director of the Netspar Foundation

The Supervisory Board has decided to appoint Prof. Dr. Lisa Brüggen as director of the Netspar Foundation as of 1 March 2023. Lisa is professor of financial services at Maastricht University and scientific director of the Brightlands Institute for Smart Society (BISS). She is also a member of the Supervisory Board of Nibud and a member of the policy advisory committee for pensions at…

Measuring risk capacity

“Risk capacity is not just related to age” Risk tolerance (willingness to task risks) and risk capacity (amount of financial risk individuals can bear) are key concepts for implementing adequate strategies in the new Dutch pension contract. We therefore measured age-related differences in risk capacity in a representative sample of the Dutch population to find out whether there are patterns or factors that pension…

Working people with an inadequate pension provision: Possible solutions for the blank and grey spots and pension accrual of the selfemployed

“A more binding system with a pension obligation is possibly required” The pension agreement is a clear step towards a future-proof Dutch pension system. However, some problems remain, like eroding participation in second-pillar pension schemes. The self-employed usually fall outside of current schemes, and a substantial ‘blank spot’ of employees without active pension accrual exists. Concerns are also growing about schemes in certain sectors…

Carbon Bias in Index Investing

“Carbon bias on stock markets exposes institutional investors to carbon transition risks” Many institutional investors seek to increase the sustainability of their investment portfolios. Popular value-weighted stock market indices serve as a benchmark for such active equity strategies. Our research reveals these have a carbon bias, which is due to firms operating in carbon-intensive sectors being more capital-intensive and so more likely to be…

Videoserie: Iedereen een eerlijk pensioen? – deel 3 (pensioen en transitie)

Deze video gaat over Pensioen & transitie en is onderdeel van de videoserie Iedereen een eerlijk pensioen? De video komt voort uit het Netspar evenement Boomers, millennials & generatie Z: iedereen een eerlijk pensioen? Theo Nijman Anne Vermeulen Deze aflevering gaat over pensioen na de transitie, Theo Nijman (TiU) en Anne Vermeulen (PensioenLab) geven hier een presentatie over. Ze worden geïntroduceerd door dagvoorzitter Tom Jessen….

The pension perspective of basic jobs

“Funding issues most important stumbling block for future basic jobs” Various Dutch municipalities are experimenting with basic jobs on a pilot basis. Basic jobs are forms of non-regular paid work for people on social assistance benefits who are not expected to get a job on the regular labour market but do not belong to the target group of sheltered employment either. Several political parties…

Videoserie: Iedereen een eerlijk pensioen? – deel 2 (pensioenvermogens en indexatie)

Deze video gaat over Pensioenvermogens & indexatie en is onderdeel van de videoserie Iedereen een eerlijk pensioen? De video komt voort uit het Netspar evenement Boomers, millennials & generatie Z: iedereen een eerlijk pensioen?     Nederland, Tilburg , 20-06-17 Foto Annemiek Mommers Econoom Casper van Ewijk, universiteit Tilburg Foto Annemiek Mommers +31651604830 [email protected] Dirk Bezemer Casper van Ewijk Deze aflevering gaat over pensioenvermogens…

Netspar, Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, is a thinktank and knowledge network. Netspar is dedicated to promoting a wider understanding of the economic and social implications of pensions, aging and retirement in the Netherlands and Europe.


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