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‘Pensioen 2020’ Book Available as of April 22

The book ‘Pensioen 2020’ (in Dutch) is being released on April 22. The book presents a collection of legal and economic essays on the trends in retirement financing.

Hans Rademaker and Lex Meijdam Join the Supervisory Board

The Foundation Board has appointed Hans Rademaker (CIO for Robeco) to the Supervisory Board of the Netspar Foundation with effect from March 1. His first term on the board will end on February 28, 2019. Robeco will appoint a successor to take Hans’s place on the Foundation Board.

Thesis Award Winners

The Netspar Thesis Awards were presented in Leiden during the International Pension Workshop. Netspar awards prizes for outstanding theses related to the Netspar research program.

Welvaartswinst door betere afstemming van wonen-, zorg- en pensioenregelgeving

Aandacht voor persoonlijke financiële planning over de levensloop en een betere afstemming in regelgeving van de domeinen wonen, zorg en pensioen kan belangrijke welvaartswinst opleveren. Door de toenemende diversiteit tussen huishoudens en de verschuiving van risico’s en verantwoordelijkheden naar het individu, wordt afstemming tussen pensioen, wonen en zorg steeds belangrijker. Gebrekkige afstemming tussen de belangrijke onderdelen van de financiële planning over de levensloop leidt…

Lans Bovenberg and Casper Van Ewijk assume new positions at Tilburg University

Netspar founder Lans Bovenberg has been appointed holder of the new F.J.D. Goldschmeding Chair at Tilburg University. His purview is “Innovation in Economics Teaching.” Bovenberg will remain affiliated with Netspar. Casper van Ewijk, General Director of Netspar, was appointed to the Gak-endowed chair in “Funded Pension Systems” at Tilburg University. He succeeds Lans Bovenberg, who held the chair from June 2013 until now. This…

Renewed Supervisory Board

As of January 1, 2016, the Netspar Foundation will have a new, smaller, Supervisory Board. Job Swank (DNB) has been reappointed and will succeed Jean Frijns as Chair. Else Bos and Marco Keim have also been reappointed by the Foundation Board. Cees Oudshoorn and Gijs van Dijk will stay on as board members representing Stichting van de Arbeid (the national Labour Foundation) and there…

Consumers benefit from Uniform Communications and Fiduciary Duty Regulations for Non-state Pension Provisions

The Netspar “Pensions Fiduciary Duty” project group studied ways to improve communications and fiduciary duty for products offered through occupational and personal retirement savings plans. The study’s major findings: Retirement communications and advice are one part of a more comprehensive financial planning related to retirement Consumers can benefit from uniform communications and fiduciary duty regulations for products offered through occupational and personal retirement savings…

Netspar awards €1,000,000 in Project Funding

The Netspar Board of Directors has followed the recommendations of the Partner Research Council in granting the following Theme Projects: €250,000: Thomas Post & Lisa Brüggen (both of UM) Engaging pension plan participants: How emotions, peer effects, and life events influence the effectiveness of pension communication René Maatman & Mark Heemskerk (both of RUN) Pension rights and ownership: A legal analysis in an economic context €500,000: Eddy van Doorslaer, Erik Schut & Pieter…

Netspar Brief: Maintaining older workers’ job proficiency requires better HR policy

With the reforms to the Dutch pension system, employers and employees have had to accept the fact that workers must stay on the job longer. However, job opportunities are limited for older workers, while existing HR tools are inadequate for facilitating ongoing employment that is productive and enjoyable. Of particular concern is the fact that special provisions for older workers remain prominent in many…

Netspar, Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, is a thinktank and knowledge network. Netspar is dedicated to promoting a wider understanding of the economic and social implications of pensions, aging and retirement in the Netherlands and Europe.


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