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Pension system solidarity: young ones and elderly people prefer to share with their own age group

Is the solidarity in the Dutch pension system at jeopardy? A Netspar study by researchers at Maastricht University shows that, on average, people have a strong preference for solidarity, but there is a great deal of heterogeneity. The preference for solidarity is greatest among women and people with a high education. Both young people and the elderly have a strong preference for solidarity with…

Part-time retirement is no panacea for working longer

The interest in part-time retirement is high among broad sections of the population and is rising as the basic retirement age rises. Many people work longer if they can make use of a part-time pension. However, about the same amount of people see part-time retirement as a means to stop working earlier (part-time). The level of the part-time pension and the wage for the…

International research: two new comparative research grants awarded

The Netspar board of directors has awarded two new comparative research grants. The aim of this international comparative research is to learn from abroad and thus contribute to the Dutch pension debate. CRG applications are assessed by the program coordinators. With their recommendations, the following two projects have been awarded: Private pension annuities out of savings or housing wealth? A comparative study of Italy…

HR policy plays important role in preventing early exit of elderly employees with health problems

Promoting social cohesion in the workplace and increasing self-esteem and perseverance at work reduces the chance that employees with health problems will drop out early. The same applies to a greater variation in work activities and to minimizing repetitive movements at work. Employees with health problems who provide informal care are also more inclined to drop out early. Further research should show whether they…

Employers better at facilitating working longer

Between 2009 and 2017, employers started to become more concerned about the rising costs and potentially falling productivity of older employees. At the same time, they have also become much more active in taking measures to support older employees in working longer, such as flexible working hours and ergonomic measures. There is a growing sense of urgency to facilitate a longer work life. Employers…

Tailoring in pension communication is still in its infancy

Tailoring in pension communication may help to increase the motivation of pension participants to delve into their pension situation and to improve finding and comprehending pension information. This is a general view in the pension domain, although in daily practice few examples of tailoring pension information can be found. There are some experimental innovations, but there is a lack of systematic evaluation. Tailoring is…

Pension Administrator MN Joins Netspar as a Partner

Netspar welcomes pension administrator MN as a partner. In size, MN is the third pension administration organization in the Netherlands. MN takes care of the pension management (administration and asset management) of the PMT, PME and Bpf Koopvaardij pension funds, with a total of 2 million participants and invested assets of more than € 130 billion. With the partnership with MN, Netspar is expanding…

Review on lecture by Cass Sunstein – How Change Happens

On June 3, Harvard professor Cass Sunstein gave a lecture at the invitation of Netspar and Tilburg University about one of his books published this year: “How Change Happens”. In addition to academic expertise, Sunstein also has political experience, namely as an adviser to Barack Obama. He used that position to take into account the power of the standard choice in policy: what you…

Amount of pension benefit closely connected to trust in the pension system

The level of the pension benefit is the most important aspect of our pension system for both employees and the self-employed. That is the conclusion of a Netspar study by Martin Olsthoorn (SCP) into the preferences of employees and the self-employed. Freedom of choice, flexibility and customization only partially compensate for disappointing benefits. As long as the amount of pension benefits remains behind, confidence…

Men and highly educated women pessimistic about their own life expectancy

Despite positive figures about rising life expectancy, many older workers (64-67 years) are not convinced that they themselves will live longer.

Netspar, Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, is a thinktank and knowledge network. Netspar is dedicated to promoting a wider understanding of the economic and social implications of pensions, aging and retirement in the Netherlands and Europe.


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