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Lisa Brüggen new Endowed Professor of Retirement Communications and Choice Guidance

On January 1, 2024, Dr. Lisa Brüggen was appointed Endowed Professor of Retirement Communications and Choice Guidance. This chair is established and funded by Instituut Gak. The pensions landscape has changed dramatically in recent decades. This shift has led to a greater need for effective retirement communications and choice guidance. It is for this reason that the endowed chair of Retirement Communications and Choice…

Challenges of automated financial advice: Definition and ethical considerations

“Ethical tools and frameworks can facilitate the implementation of AIbased advice” Consumers need to be well-informed about their financial situation to be able to take action when this changes. Automated financial advice could increase consumers’ access to financial advice and, consequently, their financial well-being. Although such advice already exists for various financial products, holistic, automated financial advice has not yet entered the market. This…

Tilburg University staff find out about their retirement nest egg

Have you already made arrangements for your retirement nest egg (in Dutch: appeltje voor de dorst)? Under this heading, Netspar organized a successful public event for Tilburg University staff on Thursday, January 25, in cooperation with ABP, the Dutch pension fund for employees in the government and education sectors, and Nibud (National Institute for Family Finance Information). In a packed Auditorium, the speakers provided…

The impact of uncertainty in risk preferences and risk capacities on lifecycle investment

“Full personalisation is not needed for a close to optimal investment policy” Under new Dutch pension law, pension funds and insurance companies are required to elicit the risk preferences and risk capacities of individual participants and to adjust (collective) investment strategies accordingly. A considerable amount of recent research has studied how the risk preferences and risk capacities of participants can be measured. We go…

Leon van Riet Joins the Supervisory Board of Netspar

The Foundation Board has appointed Leon van Riet to the Supervisory Board of the Netspar Foundation. He is CEO Netherlands Life & Pensions at NN Group and a member of the board of NN Group. Corien Wortmann, chair of the Supervisory Board, commented: “we are pleased with Leon’s arrival. He has a long track record in the field of insurance and pensions and we…

Doctoral research: subjective expectations and their influence on economic decisions of the elderly

What influence do subjective expectations have on economic decisions of the elderly? This is because different perceptions about their future and uncertain events can be distinguished among the elderly. The doctoral research by Lkhagvaa Erdenesuren (Tilburg University) provides insight into this through three essays. This research was funded by Instituut Gak. The first essay examines both the actual and perceived survival rates of married…

The effects of online financial endorsements on the investor behaviour of young retail investors

“Online financial influencers have a clear but limited effect on investment decisions” The digitalisation of financial services in recent years has led to a growing number of Dutch households investing to maintain or improve their wealth. Most investors opt for execution- only services and are therefore responsible for their portfolio and investment decisions. This trend has not gone unnoticed on social media, where online…

A comparison of risk preference elicitation methods and presentation formats

“Presentation format less important than risk elicitation method and individual characteristics” New legislation requires pension funds and insurance companies to elicit risk attitudes at least every five years. How such a survey is presented (the presentation format) could influence elicited risk preferences and consequently the investment strategies for different groups. We investigate whether that is the case among pension fund participants in the construction…

Communication about the allocation of assets or the answer to the question: will my pension grow or shrink?

“Communication needs to explain current and new pension allocations” Under the new Dutch Pension Act, collective assets will be allocated to individual assets. This will take place during a transition period. Pension providers are legally obliged to inform participants in advance about what these changes mean for them. The intention is that every interested party will be able to compare the expected pension in…

New Theme Grants: € 1.4 Million Awarded for Three-year Research Projects

Following scientific validation by the Scientific Council and recommendation from the Partner Research Council, four applications for theme grants have been awarded with grants of €350,000 each: Jorgo Goossens (Radboud University): Understanding, measuring, and applying ESG preferences Thomas Post (Maastricht University): Pension Planning in the Age of AI – What can we learn from Digital Peers? Anouk Festjens, Jona Linde, Thomas Meissner, Peter Werner…

Netspar, Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, is a thinktank and knowledge network. Netspar is dedicated to promoting a wider understanding of the economic and social implications of pensions, aging and retirement in the Netherlands and Europe.


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