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Genetic testing will change private insurance markets, but how?

“Striking a balance between rising premiums and genetic discrimination is a regulatory dilemma” The precision of genetic tests is increasing fast, as is the commercial interest in offering con-sumers genetic tests to predict their lifetime risk of developing medical conditions. Consu-mers could use such genetic information to their advantage when they purchase insurance, which could lead to rising premiums. If insurers would underwrite genetic…

Marike Knoef new director of Netspar

As of September 1, 2020, Marike Knoef has been appointed director of Netspar. It concerns a part-time appointment. In addition, Marike will remain a professor in Leiden. Marike succeeds Casper van Ewijk, who will step down as director and member of the management as of September. Casper retires and remains connected to Netspar as a researcher. As a result of this upcoming change of…

Interview: “Annuities form a complex puzzle: procrastination and uncertainty in the way of welfare gains”

Interview Jeff Brown (University of Illinois) Do you want to include all your pension savings in one go, or purchase an annuity that guarantees you a lifelong benefit? In the Netherlands this is not an issue, but in the United States people are confronted with this choice. What lessons can be learned? “The US social security pension provides an inexpensive source of lifelong income….

Many shades of labor – older adult’s motives for active participation

“Responding to personal motives helps keep the elderly productive for society” Productivity of the elderly involves more than just labor participation. Many 55- to 85-year-olds in the Netherlands undertake various paid and unpaid activities, that produce value to others. As age progresses, their motives for staying active also change. Financial and self-oriented (personal) motives become less important as people get older. In addition to…

Extra Topicality projects: call for proposals additional research related to the Corona crisis

The corona crisis has not only turned our lives upside down, but also poses big new questions for the pension and insurance industry. Netspar is therefore opening an extra round for Topicality projects (short-term research) specifically aimed at research that can contribute to answering these questions. Researchers can submit proposals for this until Monday 11 May, 12.00h CET. Subjects and procedure The research proposals,…

Netspar anniversary: 15 years of scientific value for pensions

Today, we celebrate Netspar’s 15th birthday. Right now, just in our minds. But later this year we plan to celebrate this for real. Together with our partners, researchers and employees. For now we are concentrating on the new questions that the corona crisis poses for the pension sector. Our research continues and we share our knowledge digitally as much as possible. In this way,…

Netspar measures against further spreading corona virus: events are digital

Netspar naturally takes responsibility to limit the further spread of the coronavirus as much as possible. In line with the guidelines of RIVM and Tilburg University, a number of measures are in place to this end. We strive to continue research, publications and events as much as possible. Meetings will therefore take place digitally – at least until 1 June. We make use of…

Your memory creates idealized recollections of results obtained in the past

Interview with Paul Smeets (Maastricht University) Research by Paul Smeets et. al. (Maastricht University) shows that, in making financial decisions, we look at results obtained in the past in an overly positive light. “It is inadvisable to rely on your memory in making decisions. Our study shows that people have a tendency to consistently view investment results obtained in the past through rose-tinted glasses…

Home care use after the Dutch long-term care reform in 2015

“2015 Reforms have not yet lead to a more efficient use of senior care” A major objective of 2015 Long-term care Reform instituted in 2015 was to enhance the fi-nancial sustainability of elderly care in the Netherlands. Expenditure growth was curtailed through financial incentives and other measures to induce a more efficient use of care. As it turns out, though, the use of nursing…

Co-payments for Elderly Care

“The financial risks of nursing home care are greatest for low-income individuals” There are vast differences in the amount of coinsurance seniors have to pay for elderly care. In general, low-income care recipients spend a greater proportion of their income on coinsurance than higher-income recipients. The coinsurance rates for nursing home care, in particular, represent a financial risk for older individuals with a low…

Netspar, Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, is a thinktank and knowledge network. Netspar is dedicated to promoting a wider understanding of the economic and social implications of pensions, aging and retirement in the Netherlands and Europe.


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