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The Effect of the Dutch Financial Assessment Framework on the Mortgage Investments of Pension Funds

“Mortgage investments help to boost pension funds’ performance” Following the financial crisis of 2008-2012, the Netherlands published the new Financial Framework (FTK) in 2014 to make Dutch occupational pensions more sustainable, stable and resilient. Since the framework’s publication, mortgage holding under pension funds has soared as they have sought to recover from the crisis and improve their financial performance. Low interest rates have contributed…

What is inertia?

“Lack of a clear definition makes it hard to tackle this issue effectively” No clear and common definition of inertia exists. Pension participants who review their situation but decide to make no changes can therefore be wrongly classified as inert. A clearer picture of who is inert and what inertia is will enable pension experts to provide more tailored advice and better inform participants…

Nieuwe podcastserie: Pensioen & Duurzaam Beleggen

In navolging van onze vorige podcastserie Pensioen & Arbeidsmarkt, gaan we door met het maken van podcasts waarin een wetenschapper en iemand uit de praktijk onder leiding van een gespreksleider praten over een thema. Deze maand staan onze podcasts in het teken van Pensioen & Duurzaam beleggen.   In drie delen praat gespreksleider Oscar van Zadelhoff van BeFrank iedere week met verschillende sprekers over…

The transition to the new Dutch pension system

“This transition is unavoidably affected by future developments on financial markets” The transition from the current Dutch pension system to the new pension contract means a switch from a benefit scheme to a premium  scheme. Pension funds will therefore need to convert collective capital into personal pension wealth and a solidarity reserve. That conversion is sensitive to fund-specific assumptions (such as initial coverage and…

Geslaagd jaarcongres Pensioen & Wetenschap

Eindelijk was het dan zover. Na al die maanden met online bijeenkomsten hielden wij op 30 september ons Pensioen & Wetenschap jaarcongres op locatie in Den Haag. Fijn om elkaar weer fysiek te ontmoeten en sprekers een podium te geven om hun presentatie te houden. Het thema was duurzaamheid. Een terugblik   Wim van de Donk (Rector magnificus Tilburg University) opende het congres via…

New Theme Projects: €1 Million Awarded for Three-year Research Projects

Following scientific validation by the Scientific Council and a positive recommendation from the Partner Research Council, the Netspar Board of Directors has awarded three applications for theme project grants of €250,000 each: Automated financial advice: quality, ethical and design challenges − Elisabeth Bruggen (UM) Health and labor market uncertainty over the lifecycle: The impact on households’ risk capacity and retirement income adequacy − Raun van Ooijen…

Equal rights, but not equal pensions: The gender gap in Dutch second pillar pensions

“No simple solution available to close the gender gap in Dutch occupational pensions” The Netherlands has one of the highest pension levels in the EU, but also one of the biggest gender pension gaps. Retired women receive more than 40% lower pensions than men. We analyzed the facts and legal measures which could potentially close the gap. Read one pager   Key Takeaways for…

Applied Data Science in the Pension Industry: A Survey and Outlook

“Data science solutions have a lot of potential, if we can demystify their black-box nature” The pension sector is increasingly adopting data science and AI-based applications to realise leaner and faster operations or even new value propositions. Machine-learning (ML) techniques could solve many challenges the industry faces, but the sector is hesitant to embrace this dynamic technology due to its perceived black-box nature. Overcoming…

The use of data in the pension market

“How can data use benefit pension participants without harming collectivity or privacy?” Insurance has always involved the use of data to estimate the likelihood of an event occurring. However the vast quantities of interconnected data that now available in our digital age raise various ethical dilemmas for pension providers. For example, should they be allowed to base pension premiums on health profiles, or may…

Individual differences in accessing personalised online pension information

“Inertia and digital hurdles limit the use of online pension planning tools” A pension planning tool, however well-designed, can miss its goal when there are large groups of participants who do not use this tool. People fail to access the tools even if they receive an email invitation that contains a weblink. In this study, we show who those people are who do not…

Netspar, Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, is a thinktank and knowledge network. Netspar is dedicated to promoting a wider understanding of the economic and social implications of pensions, aging and retirement in the Netherlands and Europe.


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