New faces on Netspar Supervisory Board

Inge van den Doel (PMT), Laura van Geest (AFM), and Willem Noordman (FNV) were recently appointed to the Supervisory Board of the Netspar Foundation.

Willem Noordman is succeeding Tuur Elzinga, who represented the Labor Foundation on the Supervisory Board from 2017. The appointment took effect August 1st.

The Netspar Foundation Board also appointed Inge van den Doel (PMT) and Laura van Geest (AFM) as members of the Supervisory Board with effect from September 1st. Roos Vermeij stepped down as of that date. She had been appointed to the Supervisory Board per January 1, 2021, but became a council member for the city of Rotterdam soon afterward.

Willem Noordman Inge van den Doel Laura van Geest

Wouter Bos (Chair of the Supervisory Board): “These appointments give us a strong, broad-based, and diverse Supervisory Board. Among other things, with this new configuration, we are well positioned to support the Board of Directors in terms of the strategy and action plan for 2023-2027. We thank Roos Vermeij for her input and Tuur Elzinga for the constructive manner in which he contributed ideas and managed to challenge us.”

The other members of the Supervisory Board are Guusje Dolsma (VNO-NCW), Lex Meijdam (Tilburg University), Anette Mosman (APG), and Bianca Tetteroo (Achmea).

Netspar, Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, is a thinktank and knowledge network. Netspar is dedicated to promoting a wider understanding of the economic and social implications of pensions, aging and retirement in the Netherlands and Europe.


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