Netspar Welcomes Asset Manager BlackRock to the Network

The global investment management company BlackRock joined the Netspar network on January 1, 2020. The asset manager will be financially supporting Netspar’s Action Plan for the next three years and actively contributing to the research agenda through research and sharing knowledge.

Monique Donders – Head of BlackRock Netherlands: “Given the discussion about the Dutch pension system and criticism that is being given to the Dutch pension industry, it is sometimes forgotten how much knowledge there really is. The Netherlands often plays a pioneering role in an international context. We are therefore very happy that we can join Netspar.”

General Director Casper van Ewijk: “We are very pleased to have BlackRock join the network. Their membership increases the diversity of our network and strengthens it further. Pension and retirement planning is increasingly viewed as part of financial planning over the life cycle. That means having insight into such matters as life cycle investing and socially responsible investing is becoming more important. BlackRock is a valuable source of professional knowledge and experience in that area. And that helps us carry out our research agenda. It is yet another way we can continue to foster a well-informed pension debate in the Netherlands.”

About BlackRock
BlackRock is an asset manager and helps investors to build a better financial future. Based on our vision that we want to serve our clients’ interests as well as possible, we offer investments and we develop technology to support them in achieving their most important financial goals. For more information, visit

Netspar, Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, is a thinktank and knowledge network. Netspar is dedicated to promoting a wider understanding of the economic and social implications of pensions, aging and retirement in the Netherlands and Europe.


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