Lisa Brüggen as of March 1, 2023 director of the Netspar Foundation

The Supervisory Board has decided to appoint Prof. Dr. Lisa Brüggen as director of the Netspar Foundation as of 1 March 2023.

Lisa is professor of financial services at Maastricht University and scientific director of the Brightlands Institute for Smart Society (BISS). She is also a member of the Supervisory Board of Nibud and a member of the policy advisory committee for pensions at SPMS. Lisa has been active within the Netspar knowledge network for a long time, including as project leader of Netspar projects, as a speaker at Netspar conferences and in the creation of the Netspar knowledge agenda 2023-2027.

The Supervisory Board sees Lisa as the ideal candidate to introduce Netspar in the coming period and to allow it to grow further as the indispensable honest broker for the pension sector.

prof. dr. Marike Knoef, the current director until February 1, 2023, will leave Netspar to become dean for the Tilburg School of Economics and Management. In the period from 1 February to 1 March, Prof. Dr. Mathijs van Dijk will take over the management duties within Netspar.


Elisabeth (Lisa) Brüggen (1977) is professor of financial services at Maastricht University, School of Business and Economics (SBE). She is also a member of the Supervisory Board of NIBUD. She leads the research theme “Human Decisions and Policy Design” and was a Netspar research fellow. She is an internationally recognized expert in service marketing, financial services and pension communication. She has received several awards, including the American Marketing Association’s Emerging Scholar Award. She also received NWO and Netspar grants for her research into pension communication and the question of how people can better prepare for the approaching retirement. Her work has been published in leading international journals, such as the Journal of Marketing. She likes to share her findings in an accessible way with the pension sector.

Marike Knoef (1983) has been Professor of Empirical Microeconomics at Leiden University since 2018. Marike studied Econometric Methods & Mathematical Economics (cum laude, 2006) in Tilburg and obtained her PhD here in 2011 on Essays on Labor Force Participation, Aging, Income and Health. In 2017, Marike Knoef joined the Netspar board and since September 2020 she has been managing director of Netspar. Among other things, she was the initiator of the 2019-2023 research agenda (Netspar Next) and played an important role in strengthening Netspar’s financing. Marike is also a deputy Crown member of the SER.

Note to the press

For more information about this appointment, please contact Netspar’s science communication advisor Sheila Reneerkens at [email protected] or 013 – 466 31 40.

Netspar, Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, is a thinktank and knowledge network. Netspar is dedicated to promoting a wider understanding of the economic and social implications of pensions, aging and retirement in the Netherlands and Europe.


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