As a knowledge network, we are proud of the collaboration and knowledge exchange with our partners, researchers and students. Why they work with Netspar and how they experience the added value of our network, they explain in these videos.

“Netspar can play an important role as honest broker in the pension debate”
Klaas Knot, President De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB)
The added value of the Netspar education program and associated network for students: “I signed my employment contract with De Nederlandsche Bank before I graduated.”
Annick van Ool (alumna EFP Netspar / now DNB)
“The pension covers about 25% of life, but we only spend 1% of our time on the topic. Meanwhile, we become more vulnerable with increasing age. Therefore, Netspar’s focus on pensions and efforts to bring different parties closer together are indispensable to society. “
Theo Kocken, Cardano
“What’s great about Netspar is its multidisciplinary character. It is extremely relevant to approach issues related to aging from multiple disciplines and, for example, compare methods. Also viewed from my own field of public health, this cooperation has a huge added value. “
Johan Mackenbach, EUR MC
“It is extremely important that the pension debate be conducted on the basis of facts.
Netspar’s research plays an important role.”
Bianca Tetteroo, Achmea
“Netspar conducts proper research and provides insights with which the pension debate and contract can move forward. It is important for the industry to be involved and to be able to contribute ideas. This makes research more concrete and relevant for practice.”
Niels Kortleve, PGGM
That is very special. For me as a researcher, it has added value that my research is relevant and is applied in the sector. “Netspar has been succesful in combining research and practice for over ten years.”
Marike Knoef, Leiden University
Pension professionals from the academic world and from the sector in the classroom
“Netspar is best known for its research, but also has great impact through its educational program for students and executives.”
Roel Mehlkopf, Tilburg University
“It is very important that all generations are involved in the development of the pension system for the future. Being part of the Netspar network is an important way of achieving this.”
Ellen te Paske-Lievestro, Pensioenlab

Netspar, Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, is a thinktank and knowledge network. Netspar is dedicated to promoting a wider understanding of the economic and social implications of pensions, aging and retirement in the Netherlands and Europe.


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